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City Code

(Code of Ordinances, Charter, Boundaries, Municipal Infractions, Operating Procedures, city Elections, Fiscal Management, Urban Renewal)

(Mayor, Mayor Pro Tem, City Council, City Clerk, City Treasure, City Attorney, Library Board of Trustees)

(Police Department, Reserve Peace Officers, Fire Department, Hazardous Substance Spills, Janesville First Responders)

(Public Peace, Public Health and Safety, Public and Private Property, Drug Paraphernalia, Alcohol Consumption and Intoxication, Minors, Park Regulations.)

(Nuisance Abatement Procedure, Junk and Junk Vehicles, Animal Protections and Control)

(Administration of Traffic Code, Traffic Control Devices, General Traffic Regulations, Speed Regulations, Turning Regulations, Stop or Yield Required, Load and Weight Restrictions, Pedestrians, One-Way Traffic, Parking Regulations, Traffic Code Enforcement Procedures, All-Terrain Vehicles and Snowmobiles, Bicycle Regulations, Golf Carts, Abandoned Vehicles, Railroad Regulations)

(Water Service System, Water Meters, Water Rates, Separation Distances from Municipal Wells)

(Sanitary Sewer System, Building Sewers and Connections, Use of Public Sewers, On-Site Wastewater Systems, Sewer Service Charges, Post Construction Stormwater Management, Erosion and Sedimentation Control, Storm Water Utility)

(Solid Waste Control, Collections of Solid Waste)

(Natural Gas Franchise, Electric Franchise, Regulations of Cable Television Rates)

(Liquor Licenses and Wine and Beer Permits, Cigarette and Tobacco Permits, Peddlers, Solicitors and Transient Merchants, House Movers, Surveillance Cameras, Pool Halls and Bowling Alleys)

(Street Use and Maintenance, Sidewalk Regulations, Vacation and Disposal of Streets, Street Grades, Naming of Streets, Controlled Access Facilities)

(Zoning and Subdivision Code)

(Zoning and Subdivision Code)

Amendments and Additional Ordinances

-Ordinance 356

-Ordinance 357

-Ordinance 358



© 2023 City of Janesville 

Website by Eric Ver Steegt using WIX


227 Main Street, P.O. Box 146 * Janesville IA, 50647

City Clerk Office Hours:  Monday -Thursday 8:00am - 4:00pm  *  Friday 8:00am-12:00pm

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